Community member guide to the role of the school boards
School Board Elections Parent Election Results Declaration
At the close of nominations, as the number of valid nominations was equal to the number of vacancies required to be filled, it is hereby declared the following are duly elected:
Moira Hanna - Presiding Member
Rosalea Dunn - Deputy Presiding Member
Martin Elliffe
Paul Hipkiss
Catherine Aldridge
Joseph Pryor
The School Board enthusiastically accepts its governance role. Through the Charter, Policies, Strategic Plan and Annual Plan, they have ensured an on-going review of systems and practices in all areas of school life. The Board and staff are committed to the school being at the cutting edge of quality education in New Zealand. Trustees are active members of the school team through projects and input into school activities.
Through the school’s continual review of this Charter, the Strategic Plan, Policy and Procedural Guideline documents we have quality systems and practices in place in all areas of school life. These are our guiding documents and through them aim to continue to be at the cutting edge of quality education in New Zealand. The School Board ensures compliance with all legislation and particularly that related to personnel / staffing and in being a “good” employer.
Please contact PA@trident.school.nz for information regarding public attending BOT Meetings.