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Senior Leadership Team

PRINCIPAL Mikaere October MEd, Post Grad Dip Teaching, BEd

Deputy Principal Ginny Bellamy, BA, Dip Tchg, Cert MM

Deputy Principal Amy Wildash, BA, Dip Arts, G Dip Tchg, G Dip Career Dev

Deputy Principal Jenny Mays Bsc (Hons) MSc PGCE Secondary Education

Deputy Principal Brendon-Ray Horlock BEd, Dip Tchg, CTeReoMāori
Assistant Principal / Principal PN Gary Walters HDE (Sec)

Assistant Principal Jonathon Stanhope, BSpLS, G Dip Tchg


Senior Dean Team

Senior Dean - Jeff Lee, MEd, BFA

Year 11 Dean - Deanna Foster, BA, G Dip Tchg

Year 11 Dean- Gareth Vlotman, PGCE, SPm DM

Year 12 Dean - Adelaide Roper, BSpSc, Dip Tch

Year 13 Dean- Nicholine Walters, HDE (SEC)

Junior Dean Team

Donna Huntingdon, BTchg, Post G Dip Ed
Brett Wharewera BA Tchg
Sarsha Deeley, MA, Dip Tchg
Julie Reihana, BCAS, Dip Tchg 

Head Of Departments

HOD Art Glenn Barr, BA, FA, HDE

HOD English Nicola Bowe, BA, QTS (UK)

HOD Guidance Angela Barr, BA, HDE, BEd, MCouns

HOD Māori Studies Jimmy McLean, Dip Bilingual Tchg, Dip Tchg, BEd

HOD Mathematics Tracey Webster, BSc, BEd, Dip Tchg

HOD Physical Education  Mel Emery, BSpLS, G Dip Tchg 

HOD Sciences Katie Elliott, BSc, Dip Tchg, Cert SMM  

HOD Social Sciences Owen Roper, B.A.  Grad Dip Teaching

HOD Special Education Jackie Redward, BEd

HOD Technology Nigel Rowland,  BSc (Hons), PGCE

HOD Careers & Careers Specialist Julie Ball BEd(Tchg) PGDip SpEd PGDip Career Development

Assistant HOD and Teachers in Charge 

AHOD Guidance Paul Barr, BA Dip Tchg

AHOD Māori  Te Manaakitanga Pryor, G Dip Tchg, BA (Māori)

AHOD Special Education Yvonne Shepherd, G Dip Tchg

AHOD English Jaime-Lee Coffey, BA, Dip Tchg

AHOD Mathematics Sarah Shaw,  G Dip Tchg, BSc

AHOD Mathematics Amanpreet Grewal, BSc, GDip Tcng, GDIP Business Studies

AHOD Science Darren Florence BVSc, DipTchg, PGCertDCL

AHOD Science Annetjie Botha, BSc (Hons), MSc, HDE (Sec.)

AHOD Social Science Deanna Foster, BA, G Dip Tchg

AHOD Technology Sue Lai, BA (Hons), PGCE

TIC Music Alex Kim, Grad. Dip Tchg (Sec) BA Music

TIC Spanish Sarsha Deeley, MA, Dip Tchg

TIC Japanese Hilary Harison, BA, Dip Tchg  

TIC Food Technology Julie Reihana, BCAS, Dip Tchg 

TIC Health Adelaide Roper, BSpSc, Dip Tch

TIC Gateway Karen Benge, BEd, Dip Tchg, CAT

TIC Business Studies Nicholine Walters, HDE (SEC) Business Studies

Specialist Classroom Teacher Elanor Boyce, MA (Hons), G Dip Tchg

Service Academy Director Fraser Shaw, Corporal 

Subject Teachers 

Stephen Armstrong, B.Ed, B.Th, PGDE Guidance, Dip Tchg - English

Philip Andrew, BSc, HDE - Science, Mathematics   

Joanna Boonen, B.A G Dip Tchng - English

Elanor Boyce, MA (Hons), G Dip Tchg - Social Science, Geography

Karen Esterhuzien, BCom, G Dip Tchg - Mathematics

Andrew Flynn BTech, GradDipTchg

Jessica Harvey , MTchgLn, PGDip – English

Donna Huntingdon, BTchg, Post G Dip Ed - Mathematics

Pia Knight, BTchg (primary) – SEC Teacher

Jeff Lee, MEd, BFA - Visual Design, Art, Photography

Majella Lynch, G Dip Tchg, BEd - SEC

Rachael Marjoribanks G Dip Tchg- Physical Education

Phil Pickering, BA, G Dip Coms, Dip Tchg - DTG, CAM

Jeanette Pleijte, BA G Dip Tchg- Careers, Gateway

Julie Reihana, BCAS, Dip Tchg - Food Technology

Deane Reynolds, BSpc, MTchgLn- Physical Education

Renée Garner,BA, GradDipTchg(Secondary)-English

Jackie Greenwood - Mathematics

Annie Spooner , MA (Math & Ed)- Science

Tim Stanley, BEd(Primary)- Health & Physical Education

Jeremy Steane, BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCE - Science, Biology 

Sára Szabó, MA, MEd - English

​Susan van Enter, BSc, DipTchg, PGCertAppPrac - Science

Corin Verstagen,  BAs, G Dip Tchg - Science

Gareth Vlotman, PGCE, SPm DM - Physical Education 

Toko Waaka, BEd, BVA, Advanced Dip in Whakairo - Carving, Social Sciences

Kim Wilson, BA, Dip Arts Eng, G Dip Tchg - English, Social Sciences

Morgan Young, G Dip Tchg, B Media Studies - English, DVC
Hamish Galloway - AAT Tutor

Henare Rangitaawa - Landskills tutor

Jeanette Pleijte Gateway & Careers Coordinator

Karen Benge Gateway Coordinator

Learning Support Coordinators

Della Cuthbert, MSpec Tchg (Hons), BA, BM Ed, P.G DipTch

Robyn McConnachie BEd, DipTchg

Daniele Davies BM Ed

Pastoral Support Team

In Class Learning Support

Toni Harvey

Sharon Cousins
Lisa Bethell

Rose Melbourne

David Kinghazel

Matiu Amoroa

Teacher Aides Special Education Centre

Brooke Doherty

Jason McWilliams

Bev Gordon

Averil Kay

Michelle Mitchell

Sandra Kalman

Melanie Watson-Paul

Liz Bregmen

Elliott Mason

Michelle Lagocki

Rebecca Horton

Krista Macaulay

David Postlewaight

Leigh Brown

Ann Bisley

Yvonne Turfrey

Charlotte Kershaw
Alana Sinclair

Support Staff

Principal’s PA  Kerry Lawrence

Executive Officer - Marie Pearce

School Support Manager Tracy Hunt

Receptionist - Jo Galloway

Receptionist- Meloney Hoffmann

Relief Coordinator- Fleur Turner 

Futures Academy Manager - Cindy Lee

Futures Academy - Sue Morton

Finance Administrator- Lynora Ngoungou

IT Manager - Shane Nychyporuk, BSc, Dip Bus Admin

Sports Coordinator Steph Walker BSocSci

Director of Sport - Maia Westrupp BSocSC(Hons)

Librarian - Sharon Armstrong

Librarian- Sarah Bluett, BSc, MSc 

Te Aiōtanga

School  Nurse - Sapphire Williams- Nuku BNurs, PGCertPHC

Hauora Kaiāwhina - Adrienne Pomare

Student Support/ Sick day Kaiāwhina- Anna Mountford – BEd,Dip Tchg

Maintenance Manager - Ken Chapman
Gardener - Julie Urquhart

Caretaker - Laurence Thrupp


Lab Technicians

Natarsha Paciuszkiewicz - BSc

Gary Waller

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Term 1:

30 January- 11 April

Term 2:

28 April - 27 June

Term 3:

14 July - 19 September

Term 4:

6 October - 5 December


84 Arawa Road, Whakatāne
07 308 8159

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